What you need to know...

Onibury Village Hall is run and managed by volunteers and cleaned on a weekly basis. However, to keep the hall going at reasonable rates, we need everyone that makes a booking to play their part by leaving the facilities clean and usable for the next hire.

Cleaning the hall
Leave the hall as you found it...

Volunteers check the hall on rotation to make sure that it is clean and tidy between bookings. Cleaning equipment is provided, please hoover up any food crumbs or mess from the floor and empty kitchen and toilet bins into the black bin. There is a mop for any spillages and wipe down the kitchen surfaces if you've used them please.

Frog on a toilet photo
Check the toilets

It's no one's favourite job but please check the toilets are clean, flushed and empty, the taps have been turned off and that the bins are empty. There may not be a cleaner coming between bookings, so please leave them as you'd like to find them.

Turn the lights off
Turn the lights off

When you're finished, please make sure all of the lights are turned off, especially with energy prices the price they are now. 

Cigarette butts
Smoking and cigarette butts

Hirers are responsible for providing and disposing of sand buckets outside for their guests, if there are likely to be people smoking. We also ask that hirers clean up any discarded butts from the entrance to the village hall and car park.


Onibury Village Hall
Craven Arms


Phone: 07886 083 003
What's App: 07886 083 003


Please send us your ideas, bug reports, suggestions! Any feedback would be appreciated.